Death Star Plans Trivia

Death Star in SpaceSo it’s only been… 39 YEARS?!… since I first saw the original Star Wars movie at the age of 9, almost 10 years old. Since then I have seen what they now call Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope and its various versions too many times to count. So why is it just today I noticed that the Death Star plans are WRONG?! It seems to me if you followed those inaccurate plans and found what you had thought was a weakness, you might be in for a big surprise when you arrived only to discover everything is not exactly what and where you expected it to be.

Death Star Plans on ScreenWhat am I talking about? Well simply that the computer graphic Death Star plans displayed at the Rebel briefing show a Death Star whose main “planet killer” weapon lies along the space station’s equator instead of where it is shown elsewhere in the movie, part-way up in the station’s “northern” hemisphere. A difference that big makes you wonder what other differences there might have been.

It wasn’t until today when I saw a video online talking about something entirely different that my mind went “Hey! What’s going on here?” Basically the video showed the two images side by side, similar to the header I created for this post: The first a shot of the Death Star in space, the second a shot of the computer graphic Death Star plans being displayed on a console.

I knew there was no way I had discovered something new. I am after all noticing this nearly four decades since the movie’s release. But it was new to me and with a little digging I discovered the details behind this, and a number of other interesting bits of completely useless, though interesting, bits of trivia surrounding the infamous Death Star plans. Continue reading Death Star Plans Trivia