Batcab FFotD_2020_171

Batcab 2020_171
FiniousFoto of the Day 2020_171

“Batcab” taken 6/19/2020
This somewhat bizarre car was stopped in front of me at a stop light today around Colorado College. I thought of it as the “Batcab” because of its bright yellow cab-like color; but it wasn’t otherwise made to look like a cab. Besides the weird batarang spoiler and the custom batman logo replacing the logo of whatever actual make ol of car it was (which I could not easily determine) It looks like there are other little spoilers or fins or antennas or SOMETHING on the roof?

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Alien Squid Lady?

Squid Lady 3
The Creature from the Colorado Springs Lagoon?

A huge, strange metal sculpture that is part mermaid, creature from the black lagoon, alien xenomorph and squid or octopus that sits on the top of a an old brick warehouse building on the border of downtown Colorado Springs, CO and Old Colorado City. It’s in a location that makes it hard to see and appreciate, being up on a building surrounded by railroad tracks, a major interstate highway and a major road overpass, underpass intersection. Have driven by many times I decided to walk by and see if I could capture some images, but most of the angles except for one side are blocked when you’re on foot.

The sculpture’s placement makes it seem a strange part of the billboard in front and below it.
Squid Lady 2
Looking out from the top of the building like a strange aquatic version of a gargoyle.